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The Comprehensive Cancer Trials Unit (CCTU) initiates and supports different phases of cancer clinical trials, supportive care research and translational studies through grants, donations and contracts with pharmaceutical industry. Its mission is to undertake research to contribute to the reduction of the incidence, morbidity and mortality from cancer.


1. To evaluate cancer treatments and to improve patients’ quality of life

2. To provide methodologic and technical assistance in the development of study protocols

3. To obtain approval of all its protocols by the appropriate Institutional Review Board (Ethics Committee) according to the International Conference of Harmonization Guideline for Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

4. To maintain accurate and timely data files on all patients entered into clinical studies

5. To monitor protocol compliance and treatment toxicity and to report to the appropriate regulatory bodies any unexpected severe adverse events of protocol therapy

6. To preserve the confidentiality of all patient data in the manner specified in individual protocols and in consent forms

7. To carry out timely and statistically correct data analyses at the frequency specified in study protocols